I’am teachable
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
I draw teachers
to me
at just the
right time!
In 2020 I drew Dr. Joe Dispenza, among others,
and began using his meditations, thanks to my daughter Monica.
Last year I attended my first Dr. Joe Advanced Meditation Retreat in Niagra Falls.
I’m doing a walking meditation in this photo in Denver last month, another Dr. Joe Advanced Retreat, and you know what? Who sat next to me out of 1800 people there but Dr. Jerry Tennant from Colleyville, Texas, an 80 year old healer and one of my early beloved teachers!
It’s so much fun!
I highly recommend it.
I took my former PTSD veteran nephew and his wife with me this time and their experience has ushered in a new life for them and their family. Many people up out of wheel chairs, some for the first time in years. Lives changing by engaging in the collective energy of love.
And the fellowship is worldwide. Right now Dr. Joe is in Austria. Next month in Marco Island Florida!
I’d love to do a concert there!!!
We’ll keep you posted!
Making new friends, and on an intimate level cause here we’re doing the same thing for a whole week. It’s intense. 35 hours of meditation plus the science! 6am-7pm.
Yes. I feel you!
Thomas Hubl would say, I feel you feeling me.
I’m known. I’m felt.
I am. I belong. I become.
Which reminds me of a song from the I Am album:
“I Am Fed”
Singing of the wondrous intimacy of interchange we experience here on earth, in this life now, and the authority to influence that interchange.
Author Daniel Allen says, “Reciprocity is the basis of justice.”
I am fed, nourished, by earth and sky. And I feed, I nourish, earth and sky. (Which includes every being, every thing, seen and unseen, therein.)
Reciprocity oozes into and out of me. It’s neither voluntary nor involuntary.
It just is.
It’s justice.
And I bring myself, my heart, my intention, to bear upon that great mystery.
In my studies in BioGeometry in 2019 with Dr. Robert Gilbert in Asheville, North Carolina, and Dr Sayed Karim in Geneva, Switzerland; we are energy within energies of constant exchange.
It’s funny how the “tribe” you know, the ones who were here before we arrived, have often seemed to be either racing time or trying to stop time.
That’s hilarious!
Time is merely another impulse of what is;
An energy, just as I am.
Wonder if I do the same thing with myself; race with me or try to stop me. Hmmmmm.
Well, it’s time to be here.
To be, to become, in Joy!
During my meditations I’m revisiting places where I’ve lingered often over my years here.
Places of timeless serenity and vision. Seeing things; through things; past things; deeply into things.
Just being and perceiving, then selecting my path.
I’ve called this contemplation, prayer, contemplative prayer.
Basking in the Presence of the unknown. Allowing myself, my eternal Self, the boundless one replete with options, to be known.
By me!
I am my own mystery.
I feel energized and grateful.
So grateful.
And I extend that gratitude to you in love, in joy, in resilience, and in the reality extending beyond time and space.
You can listen to I Am Fed right here💜🌀💜